Rpg maker xv ace enemy self destruct
Rpg maker xv ace enemy self destruct

rpg maker xv ace enemy self destruct

This trait applies the Element Type to the users Physical Attacks.Experience Rate: Affects the rate at which the possessor receives Experience Points.Floor Damage Rate: Affects the rate at which the possessor takes Floor Damage.Magical Damage Rate: Affects the rate at which the possessor takes Magical Damage.Physical Damage Rate: Affects the rate at which the possessor takes Physical Damage.TP Charge Rate: Affects the rate at which TP is gained.MP Cost Rate: Affects the MP cost of skills.Medical Knowledge: Affects the power of items used by the possessor.Recovery Rate: Affects the healing rate of the target in question.(This is likely controlled through the "Guard" state found in the editor.) Defense Rate: Affects the rate of damage reduction when using the Defend skill.Target Rate: Affects the likelihood of the target being attacked.Special Ability Values affects attributes that were originally static in previous RPG Makers with little control over them.TP Regen: Affects the rate at which the target regenerates TP.MP Regen: Affects the rate at which the target regenerates MP.HP Regen: Affects the rate at which the target regenerates HP.Counter: Affects the chance to reflect Physical Attacks.

rpg maker xv ace enemy self destruct

Magic Reflection: Affects the chance to reflect Magical Attacks.Magic Evasion: Affects the chance to avoid a Magical Attack.Critical Evasion: Affects the chance to avoid a critical hit.Critical Rate: Affects the chance to score a critical hit.Evasion Rate: Affects the likelihood of avoiding Physical Attacks.Hit Rate: Affects the likelihood of physical Attacks connecting with the target.(Clarification Requested).These values range from -100 to 100% and work on an additive or subtractive scale. The Secondary Ability Modifier trait is a trait that affects a number of stats explained below.The Values range from 0% to 1000% and affect Max HP, Max MP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, and LUK.The Normal Ability Modifier trait is a multiplier that alters the final value of that particular parameter.(Unsure at this moment, clarification would be appreciated) As the name suggest State Immunity applies immunity to the selected State and likely overrides any weaknesses or resistance settings applied by State Rates.State Rates function exactly like Element Rates with the only difference of it being that it applies to states and not elements.Functions much like Element Rates but only affects the built in Debuff Effects.Values can range from 0% to 1000% with values under 100% increasing resistance and vice versa for the latter.Not adding the trait to the target defaults into a normal (100%) resistance to the element. Element Rates replaces the long standing Letter Grades of previous RPG Makers, giving a more dynamic control over resistances and weaknesses to particular elements.This method also has the added benefit of working in more story relating to the boss, and should you need it, room to work in rising intensity in music and bosses without using scripts.The following traits applies to the Actors, Class, Weapons, Armors, Enemies, and States Tabs : Resistance Settings When the second cutscene is done, there's another switch to turn the event blank. This cutscene has the battle process within it, and a switch to move to the 2nd part of the cutscene, which in turn has the command to change battle BGM back to the normal battle BGM. This also bypasses my need to have multiple pages on some doors.īy having a cutscene before and after the fight, the door can just be a door leading to another map, and the cutscene is either a floor tile event that I set to trigger on player touch, or an auto run event that I place off to the side of the map. I usually have cut scenes before and after my boss battles, so I haven't run into problems with "Escape" (my bosses are do or die, there is no escape) and "Continue On Loss" contitions. The command to change the music back to the original battle music doesn't even need to be in the post-battle processing, so you can throw the change back command into any following event as this only changes the battle music and not the ambient music.

Rpg maker xv ace enemy self destruct