Urban terror hd release date
Urban terror hd release date

Tom slides his feet into the nice shinny boots.


All that fire power is useless if you don't know how to store it and would not take much to leave a big hole in the ground. We now return you back to your regular programming of Coronation Street already in progress.”Īnyone in UTRT with half a mind knows that governors are a butch of chicken shit bastards that to cover their own ass stores as much bombs and bullets they can get their hands on. It's good to know Leslie that we are all in good hands and look forward to this being the last act of terrorism that we as a great nation will have to face. The sheriff also informs me that they are now in complete control and sending reinforcements to critical local locations as well as locations around the world. Good Question Elaine the sheriff informed me that they did not want the terrorist made aware of their intelligences gathering methods that would have set off a chain reaction prematurity before having reinforcement teams in place. Leslie how come we the people did not know of this organizing going on and warned? “The local UTRT sheriff has informed me directly that there were aware that local terrorist cells were being organized as well communicating with other cells across this great nation and were in the process of taking action when this tragic event that you see behind me occurred.

urban terror hd release date

The only thing missing was the top hat but with the amount of jell in his hair he could sculpt one. This time Tom breaks out a broken laugh as it looks like this Leslie joker had just come from the Opera.

urban terror hd release date

“For more on this tragedy the network turns you over to Leslie Nielsen on the scene and with this report. The UTRT are still conducting their investigation but it is clear by these pictures you are seeing the terrorists where well armed with advanced weaponry and explosive devices that once the fighting was over only the foundation of the once glorious mansion was left standing' “The horrific death of governor Robert W Baxter-Kaneen was compounded by the death of sixteen guardsmen who bravely gave their lives to fight off the well organized and trained terrorists that attacked the governors mansion last night. Tom increased the volume of the overhead monitor, one of many peppered at strategic locations around the citadel, and you could not get away from the party line if you wanted to, even in the washroom, and was like having someone natter in your ear all the day.

urban terror hd release date

“Well lets see what they have to say this time”

urban terror hd release date

“More propaganda bullshit” Tom though to himself as he gave his boots a last bit of polish and positioned the two in front of him like two soldiers standing at an attention. The BBC has been gone for years but the fat cats still used the reporting format as to what was news on their own networks. Well not new news as the same subject was being played and replayed through out the night into day and it's obvious to the more informed the bias the reporting was heading as to the nature of the “criminal” act of terrorism being played out to the beat of an agenda. Tom was in the barracks when the news came over the Net. I original did up 4 chapters so this will be the last for a while but there will be more coming I just don't know when.

Urban terror hd release date